The following links are fantastic financial market related sites from which you can manage your own market portfolios and obtain mutual fund and stock quotes for free.
Free Internet Portfolio management and quote server sites:
Quicken's site is a must for anyone on the internet who happens to invest in bonds or
equities. This fantastic free site offers users the ability to design their own customized
portfolio. Just enter in the ticker symbol, total dollar investment, and total number of current shares owned. Next, just click submit and it will calculate your average cost per share, tell you the number of shares you own along with the current share price, calculate the change in price throughout the day for a stock in dollar value as well as a percentage, tell you the current value of your investment, tell you the total gain or total loss on the investment, and calculate the gain or loss as a percentage. It then totals up all the values and gives you an overall view of your portfolio including percentage gains or losses all for FREE! Just register yourself at this site in order to get your own login and password for free.
Free Online Checking / Billpayment
Netbank has fantastic free online checking with free online billpayment services. You won't find many online banks with as many benefits and no monthly fee with no monthly minimum as you will with NetBank.
Online Trading
E*TRADE Securities ($14.95 per trade)
Etrade Securities is a publicly traded company on nasdaq (ticker=EGRP). All NYSE trades
are $14.95 no matter how large your trade is. All NASDAQ trades are $19.95 no matter how
large the trades are. Option trading is also very cheap. Using Etrade, an investor places
his/her own trades and can even specify limit orders for only $19.95.
Get Those Taxes Done!
Use Secure Tax to figure out your taxes and file them electronically for only $9.95! Prepare your federal and state tax return online or electronically file for an extension (Form 4868) for free.