Free Lifetime Membership Promotion!

Fantastic Long Distance Rates!

Credit Cards

Investing and Financial Markets

Discount Airfare

True Cost on New and Used Cars!

Welcome to
the Smarter Way to Consume.

Consumer Group USA has searched high and low to bring many of the best products and services at the best prices to its members. Many of the companies that we refer our members to are found on various great web sites here on the Internet.

Customers can become a member on the online membership form located at the bottom of this page. Consumer Group USA is currently running a promotion where we are offering free lifetime membership for those members which request their membership before January 31, 1997.


At this point in time we would like to invite you to join Consumer Group USA absolutely FREE. This is a special promotion for free lifetime membership for those who request their membership before January 31, 1997. Just fill out the membership registration form and we will email you back with information relating to Consumer Group USA. Membership entitles you to various discounts and services that our company is able to offer its members. Our web page will offer our members fantastic savings on long distance, links to the largest discount stock brokerage agencies, travel agents, car purchasing information, and other various helpful links which will hopefully make your life simple and more economical.

Apply for membership:

Your Email Address (It is very important that you type in your proper email address perfectly or this form will not work):

Customer Name:

Contact Phone #:

Contact Fax# (optional):

Physical Address:

State: Zip Code:

How did you find our site? (ex. what search engine?):

Information may be verified by voice, fax, and/or electronic mail

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